As detailed in this report, the UNFPA programme in Mozambique is designed to support the Government in achieving these priorities, both through the ongoing UNFPA country programme and donor-funded special programmes. Many of these programmes are specifically geared to meeting the needs of young people with some notable successes in 2019: of the girls in the Rapariga Biz programme, only 0.9 per cent got married before age 19 while enrolled in the programme - on a national level, nearly 48 per cent of all girls in Mozambique are married before age 18; the global Spotlight Initiative began working in Mozambique in 2019 by helping to establish a national database on violence against women and girls; the “We Decide” initiative sponsored the Portuguese translation and disseminated national guidelines on protecting the reproductive health and rights of young people with disabilities. Other examples, and their effects on individual lives, are highlighted throughout this report.